Nuisance (abuse) Contact

Top / Nuisance (abuse) Contact

For inquiries concerning "annoying behavior" or "infringement acts" by users of our service, please contact us with the following exclusive form. Based on the reported information, we will respond according to laws and regulations and our usage rules determined by our department.

In addition, we may not be able to respond to the situation in the following cases. Please note.

  1. When you report that you have not received any inconvenience, infringement of rights etc.
  2. When you can not provide the necessary information.
  3. In case of offer regarding infringement of rights, you can not prove your own rights relationship.
  4. If you do not agree to disclose essential information needed to further look into this matter: The target user's information (including the name of the accuser).
  5. In the light of the laws and regulations of our Terms of Service, our company can not judge it as illegal acts, nuisances etc.
  6. Incomplete sections in required information and documents.

Nuisance act (abuse) inquiry form

Inquiries type
Inquiry Subject*
Content of inquiry*
Header / log information
Confirm transfer agreement*
About the handling of personal information*



Confirm transfer agreement (required)

InfiniCLOUD will transfer the submitted data in "Inquiry content" and "Header/Log Information" to the relevant administrator and request correspondence. If the user does not wish to submit this data, InfiniCLOUD may be unable to respond accordingly.

About the handling of personal information

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